Lesson series

Of Love: English Sentence Structures (Online self-study)

This course helps learners to consolidate basic sentence structures and acquire some useful sentence patterns to achieve accuracy and fluency. High school learners are strongly advised to master basic sentence structures in order to pass their public writing exams. Learners will learn to avoid some common sentence mistakes and will be equipped with knowledge of basic and common sentence structures to attain accuracy and clarity in their English sentences. 


Lesson 2 of the course:

Write your awesome label here.

You may make these mistakes:

What's included?

  • 12 lessons. 5+ hours in total
  • Basic sentence structures
    Common sentence patterns
  • Grammar consolidation
    Avoid common mistake
  • Join our teacher-learner community and ask questions there!
  • End-of-course quiz, to be marked

  • 2 years of product access + downloadable coloured notes. 
    產品內容2年內重溫, 彩色筆記可下載

Secure a pass grade in your exam as early as possible!

With accurate and clear sentences to convey your good ideas, you can pass your writing exams (HKDSE, IELTS, TOEFL) more easily. Start your exam preparation as early as possible!   

句子表達的準確度和清晰度,是通過語文考試(HKDSE, IELTS, TOEFL) 必要的一關。備試要及早打好底子啊!

Leverage the teacher’s experience to save your time!

With a sharp focus on the MOST important knowledge, you can rest assured that many hours of self-study will be saved! 

利用老師的專業經驗,直接幫你節省學習時間,提升學習效率 !

Our students' words 

Through the course, I learnt how to write an advanced sentence to describe something, for example, "I was grateful that my teacher gave me encouragement to help me win the competition." I hope that I can use the sentence patterns in my future writing or other ways. 
Vivi yeung, Seoncdary 4
This course has helped me use sentences flexibly and reduce grammatical mistakes. After learning a sentence, we had sentence practice to deepen our memory. Ms Pat would point out many grammatical mistakes in the sentences we wrote. I would recommend this course to others because this course can help us improve our English. 
Ella lau, Secondary 4
Annie yip, secondary 5

Meet the instructor

Patricia Waterlily

'Be life. Be love. Be light.' 

'Be life. Be love. Be light.'

Ms (Pat) Waterlily
🎷 近十年來醉心於教育事業,專注英文教學、課程設計、靈性教育以及領袖訓練,使命是提升同學的思維和個人成長。
🌸 畢業於港大英文系和藝術學系,並取得英文教育文憑、教育碩士,為註冊教師。
🎪 曾任中學全職教師,和不同學校緊密合作,熟悉教育制度。
💎 學生來自本地和國際學校高中、初入行教師。
⭐️ 近年擔任老師訓練工作
Spiritual, conscientious and compassionate, Patricia is devoted to advancing personal development through her education.

As a certified English teacher, Patricia has earned solid experience in teaching English to learners from both international and local schools, up to the level of university postgraduates.

In addition, Patricia has been vigorously helping with learners’ holistic personal transformation through leadership development, mentoring and spiritual education. Her students/mentees/trainees include secondary school students, post-graduates and novice educators.

Focused areas
Personal development (leadership, spirituality), English teaching, educational reform, curriculum design.

  • BA (English Studies, Fine Arts)
  • PGDE (Secondary English)
  • HK-Registered Teacher
  • MEd
  • The University of Hong Kong, The University of Queensland

Email: patriciawaterlily@oceanicgrowth.com

Equity Scholarship Scheme 

"Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice." - Jeff Bezos

Would you like to join us with some financial support?

Write no less than 200 words and email your 'scholarship application' at team@oceanicgrowth.com

Applicants' information is strictly confidential. 申請人資料保密。

Oceanic Growth offers the Equity Education Scholarship Programme dedicated to motivated students with financial needs. This scholarship programme aims at democratising quality education. We hope that every motivated student, regardless of their school performance, will not be constrained by any financial concern. An eligible recipient will receive support in all our learning programmes, online and offline, present and future. 
If you think a scholarship is of your great help, please write an application letter explaining 1)your learning/ personal development aspirations as well as 2) your financial need. Alternatively, parents or teachers can also write recommendation letters for student candidates. Write no less than 250 words in English or in Chinese. 

60-day refund protection 

60 天退款保障

Frequently asked questions

Does the teacher speak in English in the lessons? 老師用英文授課嗎? 

Yes, the course is conducted in English simply because listening is a vital part of language learning. Our students improve their listening skills dramatically in English-speaking lessons. Patricia speaks in a moderate speed and occasionally adds Chinese to clarify meaning. 是的。用英文授課大大增加了同學聽英語的機會,加速學習成效。Patricia 用適當的語速,間中添補一些中文加以解釋,確保同學能掌握要點。

May I show my sentences to my course instructor for feedback in this course? 

You are required to complete the end-of-course test and submit it to the teacher, Patricia. She will mark your sentences. This is a critical learning step, so don't forget to do it! 

Can I ask the teacher questions about my English learning both related and not related to the course? 

Yes. We have provided a community on this website. You may ask questions about your English learning and personal development. Click on 'Community' on the top bar after login. 
可以,我們提供了一個網站社群,讓所有學員能夠隨時留言發問。學員可問關於英文學習及個人成長或發展的問題。社群 (Community) 在此網站登入後的最上方點擊進入。

Can I download lesson notes and videos?

Our lesson notes are available for downloading. The lesson videos are available for viewing for unlimited times on our website within 2 years of purchase. 

 May I get a refund if I find that the course is not helpful for me?

Yes. We provide quality education to safeguard learners' interest. However, if you think the course is not helpful, you may request for a refund within 60 days of purchase. Simply email us at team@oceanicgrowth.com.

可以的。我們致力提供優質的教育,保障學員的利益。如果你覺得課程對你沒有幫助,你可以在購買課程起60日之內要求退款,你只需寄電郵去 team@oceanicgrowth.com 便可 。
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