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Of Joy: English Grammar Essentials 英語文法精華課程

This English grammar course is dedicated to intermediate to lower-advanced learners who seek to review English grammar knowledge. No matter which grammar book you are using, this book will help you grasp the essentials in an efficient and systematic way. The course offers more than 20 lessons of the most common and important grammar items, each unit starting from intermediate level to advanced level. Learners can flexibly choose to review the topics they need and acquire the level they want.The course is conducted in Cantonese. The production in our second phase will be conducted in English. 
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Oceanic Growth提倡公平教育,利用便利的科技,幫助同學以較低成本獲得優質教育,幫助他們實現人生夢想。


有良好的文法基礎有助全面提升讀寫聽說的能力 👍


🎗Of Joy英語文法精華課程》針對幫助在學校上課未能掌握概念、





為了讓學員一字不漏地了解內容,Miss Waterlily 用中文講解(廣東話為主)。




Ms Waterlily 教學經驗豐富,




總共超過 2 0 課的🏆重量級文法精華課程,學員可自由選擇重溫哪幾課。





Verb to be 

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Meet the instructor

Patricia Waterlily

'Be life. Be love. Be light.' 

'Be life. Be love. Be light.'

Ms (Pat) Waterlily
🎷 近十年來醉心於教育事業,專注英文教學、課程設計、靈性教育以及領袖訓練,使命是提升同學的思維和個人成長。
🌸 畢業於港大英文系和藝術學系,並取得英文教育文憑、教育碩士,為註冊教師。
🎪 曾任中學全職教師,和不同學校緊密合作,熟悉教育制度。
💎 學生來自本地和國際學校高中、初入行教師。
⭐️ 近年擔任老師訓練工作
Spiritual, conscientious and compassionate, Patricia is devoted to advancing personal development through her education.

As a certified English teacher, Patricia has earned solid experience in teaching English to learners from both international and local schools, up to the level of university postgraduates.

In addition, Patricia has been vigorously helping with learners’ holistic personal transformation through leadership development, mentoring and spiritual education. Her students/mentees/trainees include secondary school students, post-graduates and novice educators.

Focused areas
Personal development (leadership, spirituality), English teaching, educational reform, curriculum design.

  • BA (English Studies, Fine Arts)
  • PGDE (Secondary English)
  • HK-Registered Teacher
  • MEd
  • The University of Hong Kong, The University of Queensland

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